Richmond / Wayne County MEDIA SUPPORT:

Discover our Warm Hospitality and Rich HIstory

Embark on a journey through the captivating stories of Richmond, Indiana, and Wayne County—a destination brimming with history, picturesque landscapes, and genuine hospitality.

From captivating testimonials capturing the essence of our community to photos and videos that showcase our destinations, our Media section is your portal to discovering the heartland’s hidden gems. Whether you’re in search of engaging story ideas, fascinating fun facts, or simply seeking inspiration, let the tales of Richmond and Wayne County unfold.

  • Prompt service – We understand deadlines!
  • Potential story ideas
  • Personalized media kits
  • Arrange interviews
  • Provide photography
  • Personal escort to attractions, if desired
  • Accommodations for credentialed travel writers

Contact us and we’ll be happy to connect you with the right inspiration!

Nancy Sartain
Leisure Marketing Manager
(800) 828-8414