- Events
- Theatre and Arts
- No events scheduled for April 29, 2024.
- No events scheduled for May 5, 2024.
Week of Events
18th Annual Wayne County High School Art Exhibition
18th Annual Wayne County High School Art Exhibition
Wayne County, Indiana has a long and distinguished history of artistic accomplishment andsupport. Since 1898 the Richmond Art Museum has been a proud part of that tradition, a vitalpart of which is recognizing and supporting young artists. Students from Centerville, Hagerstown, Lincoln, Northeastern, Richmond, and Seton Catholic High Schools are represented.The Annual Wayne County High...
18th Annual Wayne County High School Art Exhibition
18th Annual Wayne County High School Art Exhibition
Wayne County, Indiana has a long and distinguished history of artistic accomplishment andsupport. Since 1898 the Richmond Art Museum has been a proud part of that tradition, a vitalpart of which is recognizing and supporting young artists. Students from Centerville, Hagerstown, Lincoln, Northeastern, Richmond, and Seton Catholic High Schools are represented.The Annual Wayne County High...
18th Annual Wayne County High School Art Exhibition
18th Annual Wayne County High School Art Exhibition
Wayne County, Indiana has a long and distinguished history of artistic accomplishment andsupport. Since 1898 the Richmond Art Museum has been a proud part of that tradition, a vitalpart of which is recognizing and supporting young artists. Students from Centerville, Hagerstown, Lincoln, Northeastern, Richmond, and Seton Catholic High Schools are represented.The Annual Wayne County High...
18th Annual Wayne County High School Art Exhibition
18th Annual Wayne County High School Art Exhibition
Wayne County, Indiana has a long and distinguished history of artistic accomplishment andsupport. Since 1898 the Richmond Art Museum has been a proud part of that tradition, a vitalpart of which is recognizing and supporting young artists. Students from Centerville, Hagerstown, Lincoln, Northeastern, Richmond, and Seton Catholic High Schools are represented.The Annual Wayne County High...
18th Annual Wayne County High School Art Exhibition
18th Annual Wayne County High School Art Exhibition
Wayne County, Indiana has a long and distinguished history of artistic accomplishment andsupport. Since 1898 the Richmond Art Museum has been a proud part of that tradition, a vitalpart of which is recognizing and supporting young artists. Students from Centerville, Hagerstown, Lincoln, Northeastern, Richmond, and Seton Catholic High Schools are represented.The Annual Wayne County High...